Original Music - Non Commercial

Hello Folks! this is a web page containing original music by Edward Fiebke that is non-commercial. In other words, it's just here for fun - for your listening pleasure.

You have two or three music-format choices for each song: 1) mp3, 2) Windows Media Player or 3) RealAudio. The mp3 files have better fidelity. But they are larger files and require a faster modem connection (DSL, Cable modem, etc). The RealAudio file sound just fine, but may lack in clarity. However, they don't necessarily require a fast modem connection. You should be able to listen to these file using an ordinary dial-up phone modem.

Also note that I've added some video files. These files are LARGE! You'll need either the Windows Media Player (9) or the Real Video player.

A Madrigal of Birth for Jesus
Bossa Fun
Wedding Recessional 1986
Video: "Gift to 'Allnurses.com' Friends"
MOV Video File

"Sea Side Stories"
A Dad and Lad Video Production

Holiday Mindset
"Dad and Lad Trip to Wisconsin 2004"
A Dad and Lad Video Production
Common Conversations #1
Rising Expectations
"A Composition in the make"
"2005 Fall Adventures"


High School Student Artwork for "The Heart Truth: Women and Heart Disease"
"A Tune's Head"
"Pop Progressive Rock #1"

"Repeat that Cliche"


"The Menu"
from Musical Sweet

"The Appetizer"
from Musical Sweet
"The Dinner"
from Musical Sweet
"The Dessert"
from Musical Sweet
"50th Ordination Anniversary of Father Fiebke"
A Dad and Lad Video Production
"Emily's Song"
2010 Composition
"The First Snow of this Season/Our Two Dogs"
"Winter in Mid-January"
"Spring in Mid-May"
"Fall in Mid-October"
"Summer in Mid-July"
"2015 Light Latin Jazz 01" mp3 File *****
"2015 Light Jazz Waltz 01" mp3 File *****
"Winter Swing 2016" mp3 File *****
Note: Some files are fairly large. One is little over 13 MB's in size!
You'll need a fast modem connection!

A few notes about the music.

1) "A Madrigal of Birth for Jesus" - lyrics written by Jo Page, music by Edward Fiebke, vocal(s) Amy Fiebke. This song was written and recorded in the mid 1990's. Its performance premiered at St. Luke's Lutheran Church when it was sung by the church's adult choir. Jo Page is an amazing lyricist. It was an honor and a pleasure setting music to her Chirstmas-song lyrics.

2) "Bossa Fun" was composed around 1997. It's just a fun Bossa tune.

3) "Wedding Recessional" was composed around 1986 and was performed at my wedding! I arranged this piece for violin, viola and cello in 2001 for my brother's wedding. It was so cool to hear real string musicians play this piece!

4) "Smooth" was written around 1988. . . I think . . . honestly, I don't remember. It combines 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures which I think is alway cool!

5) The video, "Gift to 'Allnurses.com' Friends" was made in December, 2002. The photos are from various nurses from around the world set to original music composed specifically for this video.

6) The video, "Sea Side Stories" was filmed and edited both by my father (Rev. Edward Fiebke) and myself (Edward Fiebke, Jr.). It is truly a Dad and Lad Productions. Again, the music is original.

7) "Holiday Mindset" is an original score to two holiday videos produced in 2002. These sentimental 'homemade' videos were used as a gifts to friends and family for the 2002 Holiday Season. This composition has been re-recorded and re-mixed a couple of times. "Holiday Mindset" was most recently produced in July 2006 using the Garritan Personal Orchestra and the Garritan Jazz and Big Band sound libraries.

8) "Dad and Lad Trip to Wisconsin 2004" is a simply family video. In September of 2004, my father and I traveled to the middle of Wisconsin to visit his aunt. We all had a very pleasant time together. The video's original musical score is a simple piece composed for a simple project like this.

9) This number, titled "Common Conversations #1" is my first piece using a "softsynth" called Garriton's Personal Orchestra (known as the "GPO"). With a comprehensive orchestral library now available to me, I composed this piece as an exercise in modern composition and orchestration.

10) This number also uses Garriton's Personal Orchestra. It's another piece composed as an exercise in modern composition and orchestration. It's written in 7/8 time which gives it an interesting "groove". . . . hopefully.

11) This is a composition "in the make". It is NOT finished yet. I'm putting it up here as a "work in progress" so that interested people can follow this composition as it developes. I will update this piece as I write, record and mix it down. When it's completely finished, I will name it. But until then, it's just a "Composition in the make". (Note: As of 12/4/2005, this composition is still a "work in progress".)

12) This video and underscore music are both titled "2005 Fall Adventures". Yep! It's another Dad and Lad Productions video! I wrote the music using the Garriton's Personal Orchestra sound library and the new Jazz and Big Band sound library. The music is pretty much finished and mixed. The video, as of 12/4/2005, is still a work in progress.

13) This latest composition has yet to be titled. So, for now, it's known as "No Name Composition #1". It's another composition using the Garriton's Personal Orchestra sound library. It's also featuring the Garriton JABB (Jazz & Big Band) sound library. The bass sound and the snare drum sound is from a Wizoo Sound's library using Steinberg's Halion 3. This "No Name Composition #1" number a jazz-walt piece.

14) On February 2, 2007, the Fairview Hospital ICU/CCU nursing staff presented to the public "The Heart Truth: Women and Heart Disease". This is part of a public awareness health program that our hospital provides to its community. As part of this particular program, arrangements were made to include original art work by the advanced art students of Monument Mountain Regional High School. They pulled through with their committment and provided wonderful artwork which was displayed for all to see within Fairview Hospital. I video-taped this entire public presentation including the artwork from the advanced high school art students. (This video as well as the entire "Women and Heart Disease" lecture is on a DVD which can be provided to the public with a simple request.) I used Sony's Vegas 7 program to edit the digital video. For the music, I used Apple's Logic Pro 7. The sound libraries utilized are: Garritan Personal Orchestra (for most of the sounds), and Wizoo's fretless bass sound with Logic Pro's sampler. The music was composed "off the top of my head": just a simple chord progression with an improvised melody.

15) This jazz-rock composition is written "off the top of my head". In other words, no pencil was placed to manuscript paper while "writing" the melody, harmony and arrangement. I was more interested in utilizing some new sound libraries recently purchased. And boy, are they great! The new sound libraries used are the Chris Hein Guitars and Lyrical Distortion 1 & 2 by Bela D Media. Both are electrical guitar sound libraries. In addition to these, I used the Garritan JABB (Jazz and Big Band) sound library for the rest of the instruments. All three sound libraries seem to "play well with each other". The title of this piece is "A Tune's Head".

16) This "pop fusion rock" piece was written pencil to paper. (It's been a while since I put "pencil to paper" when writing a composition.) Compositionally, it's an exercise in utilizing some of the jazz-compositional techniques that I learned many, many, many years ago at Berklee. It's also an exercise in sequencing with some new instrumental software plug-ins that I've recently purchased. The new software plug-ins used were Music Lab's RealStrat and Garritan's Stradivari. Also used was Garritan's JABB. The title of the piece is simply called "Pop Fusion Rock #1". Please know that this is not the first fusion rock piece that I have written. But it is the first fusion rock piece that I've written using my newer computer software and hardware.

17) This "jazz-walt" piece was another piece written "pencil to paper". It's titled Repeat that Cliche. It utilizes various sound libraries includin Garritan's JABB, GPO and Stradivari. It also uses the Chris Hein Guitar library as well as Music Lab's RealStrat.

18) Originally titled, Industrial Pleasure, this piece is the first of four (or five) pieces that will end up becoming my first (ever) musical "Suite". As of 10/27/2008, I'm still writing this Suite. The name of the Suite will be "Musical Sweet" (pun intended!) and the new title of this piece is The Menu.. The goals for writing these next set of compositions are to: 1) explore writing a longer work, 2) explore and practice orchestration and, 3) explore blending together different instrumental software-based libraries. This piece, and the compositions to follow are definately "pencil to paper" compositions. The instrumental libraries used are Garritan's GPO, JABB and a new orchestral library produced by Kirk Hunter. It's the Diamond Pro Series of his orchestrial libraries. I also used some stock percussion sounds that came with Apple's Logic Pro 8 recording/sequencing software.

19) This is the second number to"Musical Sweet" titled, The Appetizer. It utilizes the same instrumental libraries as The Menu. I am, however, exploring (experimenting) with different instrumental combinations within this orchestration. By the way, if you're wondering how I came up with the title of the Suite and its individual numbers, let it be known that I enjoy eating! LOL!

20) This composition is the third number to "Musical Sweet" titled, The Dinner. Again, it utilizes the same instrumental libraries the the previous compositions to this musical suite. And, again, I continue to explore (experiment) with different instrumental combinations within this orchestration. However, for this piece, I kept things simple. I did this purposefully for contrast.

21) This is the fourth and final composition to "Musical Sweet" titled, The Dessert. As before, it utilized the same instrumental libraries as the previous compositions to this suite. And, AGAIN, I continued to explore (experiment) with different instrumental combination within the orchestration. Although I also wanted to keep things simple for this piece, I also explored the canonic compositional tool for development. Finally, there is less percussion to this composition. I did this for contrast from the previous compositions to this suite because percussion was liberally used for them. Note that there are two version of "The Dessert". The most recent version is using the new GPO4 orchestral library.

22) This is another Dad and Lad Video Production created by my father and me. This video celebrates my father's 50th Anniversary as an ordained Episcopal Priest. The churches that were video-taped were of his past and present congregations that he served during the past 50 years. We had a great time video-taping this production. I am very proud of my father!

23) This is the first composition for 2010! Originally titled, "Repeat that Cliche #2", it's a pop-progressive rock/jazz tune titled, "Emily's Song". This piece is dedicated to my niece, Emily, who recently celebrated her birthday. It utilizes various instrumental sound libraries including Garritan's JABB, Kirk Hunter's strings from his Diamond orchestral library, and various other instrumental libraries. The audio/sequencing program used is Apple's Logic Pro 9.1.

24) This is a simply video of our propety after we had our first snow fall this season (11/2010). The video also has our two dogs, Chelsea and Mayson, playing with each other. Final Cut Pro was used to edit the video. GPO and JABB were the sound libraries used for the underscore music. Logic Pro 9.1.3 was used to sequence and mix the music for the video.

25) This is the first orchestral composition for 2011. It's titled, "Winter in Mid-January". It uses a combination of instrumental libraries including GPO, JABB, Kirk Hunter's Concert Strings 2 and Kirt Hunter's Diamond Orchestral Library. The audio/sequencing program used is Apple's Logic Pro 9.1.3 in 64-bit mode.

26) This is the first orchestral composition for 2012! It's titled, "Spring in Mid-May" and will be a part of a larger group of compositions titled, Orchestral Art Songs #1. Like the piece noted above, it uses a combination of instrumental libraries including GPO, JABB, Kirk Hunters's Concert Strings 2 and Kirk Hunter's Diamond Orchestral Library. The audio/sequencing program used is Apple's Logic Pro 9.1.7 in 64-bit mode.

27) This orchestral composition was started during Fall of 20013 and finished during the Spring of 2014. It's titled, "Fall in Mid-October" and will be a part of the a larger group of compositions titled, Orchestral Art Songs #1. Like the previous two pieces (noted above), it uses a combination of instrumental libraries including GPO, JABB, Kirk Hunter's Concert Strings 2, Kirk Hunter's Concert Brass 2, and Kirk Hunter's Diamond Orchestral libraries. The audio/sequencing program used was Apple's Logic Pro 9.1.8 (in 64-bit mode).

28) This orchestral composition was first started in July of 2014 and is titled, "Summer in Mid-July". It is the final piece to a set of compositions titled, Orchestra Art Songs #1. Like that three pieces (noted above), is uses a combination of instrumental libraries including GPO, JABB, Kirk Hunter's Concert Strings 2, Kirk Hunter's Concert Brass 2, and Kirk Hunter's Diamond Orchestral Libraries. The audio/sequencing programs used was Apple's Logicd Pro X.

29) This is a light latin-ish progressive/rock composition written to be given as a gift to family and friends for the 2015 Christmas Season. It uses a combination of instrumental libraries, too numerous to list. The program used to sequence this original composition was MOTU's Digital Performer 9 with the help of VSL's VEPro 5.

30) This is a light jazz waltz composition written to be given as a gift to family and friends for the 2015 Christmas Season. It uses a combination of instrumental libraries, too numerous to list. The program used to sequence this original composition was MOTU's Digital Performer 9 with the help of VSL's VEPro 5.

31) This a light jazz-swing tune inspired by the winter months of 2016. Its intent is to help lighten the mood during a cold, dreary winter day. It uses a combination of instrumental libraries, too numberous to list. The program used to sequnce this original composition was MOTU's Digital Performer 9 with the help of VSL's VEPro 5.


Edward (Ted) Fiebke